3 Important Forms You Fill Out to Get Social Security Disability in Wisconsin

You have to fill out a lot of forms when you apply for Social Security Disability benefits. As a disability attorney who works with this every day for people in Wisconsin, I know these Social Security Disability forms well. They are designed to help Social Security decide if you meet the qualifications to get disability

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What Are Transferable Skills, and How Do They Impact My Social Security Disability Claim?

Getting Social Security Disability benefits means proving that you can’t work. Which means proving that your health problems prevent you from working any of your past jobs—or any new job, either. Because of this, when you apply for disability benefits, Social Security will look at your transferable skills. How does this affect your chances of

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What Are the SSA Grid Rules for Disability Benefits, and How Do They Work?

When the Social Security Administration (SSA) designed its method of evaluating people’s claims for disability benefits, they decided to make it easier to be approved for benefits the closer you get to retirement age. So Social Security uses a grid that combines your age, education, work experience, physical capabilities, skills, and transferability of skills to

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