You’ve worked hard and supported your family in the Fox Valley or anywhere in Northeast Wisconsin. You expected to continue working until you retired. Then health problems, including diabetes, sidelined you.
Now, at a time when you should be focusing on managing your diabetes, you’ve got extra stress on your shoulders. You’re worried about paying the bills, continuing to support your family—and how you’re going to afford treatments and medications.
Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are designed to help people in your situation. A monthly benefits check—along with the access to Medicare of Medicaid health coverage that comes with SSD—would go a long way toward relieving your financial burden and helping you regain stability in your life.
Whether this is your first time applying for benefits or you’re appealing a denial, talk to Geary Disability Law for help getting through this process.
Wisconsin Social Security Disability Lawyer Tim Geary deals with the Social Security process every day. He knows what you need—and what you don’t— for your benefits claim.
Diabetes type 1 and type 2 are among the chronic disorders covered by Social Security Disability.
But because many people with diabetes are able to continue working, getting SSD benefits hinges on proving that your case of diabetes is so severe you can’t work—or that your diabetes makes it impossible to work combined with other medical conditions.
The Social Security Administration considers you to have a qualifying disability if your medical condition:
The process of applying for disability, with diabetes and any other condition, is complicated.
If you miss one of the many steps, or make a mistake on a form, or fail to submit the right medical or other documentation, Social Security will deny your application. In fact, they deny a wide majority of initial applications.
Social Security doesn’t require you to have a disability lawyer, but with an experienced disability attorney on your side, your chances of a successful claim can go up significantly.
Based in Appleton, Geary Disability Law helps Wisconsinites in Green Bay and around the state.
Get started by having us evaluate your case for free.
If you applied for disability benefits for diabetes but your application was denied, you can appeal Social Security’s decision.
You need to act quickly, though, because you only have 60 days from the date you receive their denial notice to file your appeal.
If you thought applying for benefits was difficult, appealing a denial is even harder.
An experienced disability attorney can take a lot of the burden and stress off your shoulders. They know the Social Security system, the special disability courts, the disability judges, and everything that’s involved with filing or appealing for disability benefits.
An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer will also know how to approach a claim for diabetes. We see diabetes cases all the time—it is a very common medical condition.
And we know how to present your diabetes case in a way that helps Social Security see why they should award benefits to you.
The entire legal team at Geary Disability Law wants to see you regain stability in your life in times when you can’t work due to bad health.
If you live in the Fox Valley or Northeast Wisconsin, get in touch with us today.
It’s only natural for you to have many questions when your life has been disrupted by health problems and you need financial assistance. Get started on your path forward with our answers to some of the questions we hear most often:
DISABILITY FAQs“When I did have a court date, he was confident and knew the law perfectly and was dedicated to my case.”